A Modern Approach on Development of Academic, Athletic and Citizenship Skills
Located in Calgary, Alta., the International Hockey Academy (IHA) is a founding member of the Canadian Sport School Hockey League, operating out of the Markin MacPhail Centre.
2021-22 Teams:
U18 Prep
U17 Prep
Partner School: National Sport School
What are some of the things your program does to provide educational support?
Our Educational partner is the National Sports School, which is conveniently located under the same roof as our hockey program. Some of their key features include:
- A learning environment that uses advanced online technologies to support learning
- Grades nine to twelve in the academically rigorous Alberta Education Program of Studies.
- Teacher Advisors for each student-athlete.
- A Sport Psychologist on staff.
- Sport Psychology courses.
- A four-period day with fixed-time classes including embedded tutorial time.
- Personal Learning Plans for each student-athlete.
How students can access their teachers outside of the regularly scheduled face-to-face class instructional time:
- Students are able to work with their teachers during every tutorial period.
- All teachers are available by email and telephone
- Students can also access instruction in their course through Desire2Learn (an online learning management environment), or through distance packages provided by their teacher.
- All students have access to instruction 24/7
Do you offer a billeting program or a dormitory for non-local student athletes?
We do have a billet program. Most of our student athletes are placed with teammates. If not, we have a core group of families that we have used consistently over the past five years.
What kind of life skills to the student athletes learn by living with billets?
They learn the skills of the new families. One family is a sailing family. One is a rock-climbing family. One has a mom and dad that are professional musicians. One family is a farming family.
How are injuries and sick student athletes monitored?
Through our Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) and on-site Physiotherapist. Because of our location, we have the G23 Sports Medicine Facility in our building. With Hockey Canada doctors, one of the leading doctors in concussions and a full physio clinic, our kids have access to some of the best recovery clinicians around. For illnesses, we have a program doctor that can see our players quickly for assessments.
What does the daily schedule look like for an International Hockey Academy student athlete?
Starting in early September and continuing until the end of June, our student athletes will train and skate daily, depending on game and travel times. Our teams start their days around 7:30am and will be at Winsport until 4:30pm. In general, our student athletes will have an on-ice session, off-ice session and fulfill their schooling credentials.
How many games can your teams expect to play?
Between the play in the CSSHL, Championships and tournaments, our teams will play about 50 games each season.
What does the on and off ice training look like?
Each team will have around 120 on-ice development sessions, 100 dryland/multi-sport training sessions, as well as the required time spent in the classroom. The sports schedule is subject to change, based on welfare of kids (fatigue), travel timing, coach’s discretion, and educational requirements.
Who are some of the key staff at the International Hockey Academy?
Fred Voser, Owner
Darcy Hodge, General Manager
What is included in the price to attend the International Hockey Academy?
Included in our price is all travel (meals and accommodations), off-ice training fees, equipment (two sets of jerseys and socks, practice jersey and socks, gloves and pant shells, team hockey bag), as well as team issued clothing. Hockey fees for our U18 Prep team is $23,000 and for our U17 Prep team is $20,000. Not included in our pricing is educational fees, individual spending money and billet fees, if required.
What is the best way to contact the International Hockey Academy?
Website: www.inthockey.ca
Email: darcyhodge@inthockey.ca