History of Programs

In 2009, five like-minded Hockey Canada Accredited Schools came together to launch the Canadian Sport School Hockey League. Their vision was to establish a league designed specifically for elite level student athletes, give these athletes an opportunity to increase their skills on and off the ice, and provide athletes with a high level of competition as well as exposure. The inaugural 2009-10 season featured five sport schools and eight total teams spread across two divisions.

Over the years, the CSSHL has grown to encompass 37 Accredited Schools/Schools with Residence and 125 teams in eight different divisions.

2009-10 – Founding Members

  •  Banff Hockey Academy, Edge School, Okanagan Hockey Academy, Pursuit of Excellence and Swiss International Sports & Education Centre


  • Female U18 Prep Division Added
    • Banff Hockey Academy, Okanagan Hockey Academy, and Pursuit of Excellence


  • Wenatchee Wild added


  • Wenatchee Wild leaves the league after the 2012-13 season


  • BWC Hockey Academy, Compete Hockey Academy, Delta Hockey Academy and Yale Hockey Academy added


  • Pacific Coast Hockey Academy and Shawnigan Lake School added


  • Compete Hockey Academy changes to Coeur d’Alene Hockey Academy
  • Northern Alberta X-Treme and Okanagan Hockey Academy Edmonton added


  • Swiss International Sports & Education Centre changes to International Hockey Academy
  • Notre Dame Hounds, Pilot Mound Hockey Academy, Rink Hockey Academy Winnipeg, St. Mary’s School and West Van Academy added


  • St. George’s School added


  • Prairie Hockey Academy added


  • Eastern Division added
    • Canadian International Hockey Academy, Hill Academy, Mount Academy, Okanagan Hockey Ontario, Ontario Hockey Academy and Westlake Bourget College


  • Banff Hockey Academy changes to South Alberta Hockey Academy
  • Pursuit of Excellence Hockey Academy changes to Rink Hockey Academy Kelowna
  • West Van Academy takes a one year leave of absence


  • Coeur d’Alene Hockey Academy takes a one year leave of absence


  • Coeur d’Alene Hockey Academy returns after a one year leave of absence
  • West Van Academy rebrands as North Shore Warriors
  • Indigenous Sports Academy and King Heights Academy added


  • International Hockey Academy changes to Calgary International Hockey Academy
  • Bishop’s College School, Champions Hockey Academy, STAR Hockey Academy at KVHA, Ulysse Academy, and Wenatchee Wild added
  • Champions Hockey Academy folds and leaves the league after the 2023-24 season


  • Balmoral Hall School, Fort Erie International Academy, King’s-Edgehill School, Kuper Academy, Lower Canada College, Selwyn House School and Stanstead College all added