George Crookshank – Chair
From Vernon, BC, Crookshank is a passionate believer in the strength and integrity of the CSSHL and the importance of its role, both academically and athletically and in the development of young men and women looking to pursue their hockey ambitions. He played junior hockey in BC and then four years on a full scholarship at Minnesota-Duluth (1979-1983), graduating with a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Communications and a minor in Psychology. He has 20+ years of minor hockey coaching and hockey school experience. In Crookshank’s professional career, he built a very successful advertising agency (Drum Communications) which was ultimately purchased by a global leading agency Saatchi & Saatchi/Publicis. He has wide ranging business skills enabling him to build great, collaborative teams to get the best out of every member.
Joyce Johner – Director
Joyce is a regulatory compliance lawyer with a passion for hockey. Born the 10th of 12 children on a family wheat farm in Saskatchewan, Joyce took up playing hockey in university. Since then, she has actively contributed to the hockey community by volunteering as a parent coach and serving on the board of the North Shore Winter Club where she helped develop strategic goals to promote women in sports. Joyce has been key organizer of community events, including the annual Hockey Helps the Homeless tournament in Vancouver. In addition to her legal and governance experience, Joyce holds degrees in Economics/Environmental Studies and Psychology.
David Grout – Director
Located in Vancouver, BC, Grout has over 21 years of experience as a corporate lawyer, first in Calgary at Burnet, Duckworth & Palmer, then as Associate General Counsel with the Alberta Investment Management Corporation in Edmonton. Most recently, in 2021 he became General Counsel of Wesgroup Properties in Vancouver. He served six years on the Board of the Missing Children Society of Canada, a Canadian Not-for-Profit Corporation located in Calgary, and was a co-instructor of Mergers and Acquisitions at the University of Alberta Law School. Grout believes he can provide strong leadership and welcomes the opportunity and challenges that will face the CSSHL’s inaugural Board.
Louise Lalor – Director
Lalor has 20+ years of experience as a CPA in senior finance roles across various industries and has worked closely with external Boards. Her current role is Controller, Hillside Winery & Bistro. She also serves as a Director on two boards: one of a privately held winery and the BC Grape Growers Association where she acts as Treasurer. Lalor has a practical and entrepreneurial business approach developed through her experience working in a wide variety of profit and not for profit organizations in North America and Europe. As a Board member, Lalor will lead by being informed, prepared, ethical, connected, and engaged with the CSSHL community.
Jon Neutens – Director
Neutens is currently VP & Head of Agriculture at ATB Financial (formerly Alberta Treasury Branches) overseeing financial planning, strategy, and lending operations. He previously held executive leadership roles at Syngenta and Nufarm, and served on the industry governance boards of CropLife Canada and CleanFarms Canada. Prior to those roles the Cochrane, AB resident founded and owned a successful software business. Neutens is committed to supporting the CSSHL’s Mission of providing a premier platform to nurture young athletes to fulfill their academic and hockey endeavours.
Michael Shouldice – Director
Shouldice has been involved in learning and sport since 2009. He is currently Manager, Partnerships and Collaborations for Athabasca University. While at Athabasca University he has worked with the Western Hockey League, Professional Hockey Players Association, and the CFL Players Association developing and managing education focused partnerships. He has governance experience with Edmonton based minor soccer, where he currently resides, and served as a Board Member and Board Chair of the Canada Place Child Care Society.