Lindsay Starts Paws for A Wild Cause

Story Submitted by Wenatchee Wild Hello Hockey Families Join us in making a difference in the lives of Animals I’m Kyson Lindsay, and along with the Wenatchee Wild U18 Prep team, we’re uniting with the Wenatchee Valley Humane Society four home tournament February 7-9, to support animals in need across the greater Wenatchee area, where […]

Program Profile: Wenatchee Wild Hockey Academy

Located in Wenatchee, Washington, the Wenatchee Wild Hockey Academy re-joined the Canadian Sport School Hockey League (CSSHL) in 2023/24, after a 10 year absence, competing in the U17 Prep and U18 Prep divisions. PROGRAM PHILOSOPHY AND MISSION STATEMENT The Wenatchee Wild 16U and Wenatchee Wild 18U hockey teams are full-time hockey academy-style Tier 1 AAA […]