Located in Vancouver, BC, St. George’s School is heading into their eighth season in the Canadian Sport School Hockey League (CSSHL), competing in the U15, U15 Prep, U17 Prep and U18 Prep divisions.
We focus on developing strong, competitive players both on and off the ice. Our Hockey Program is part of St. George’s School’s overall Co-Curricular Program, which offers over 30 competitive and recreational sport programs throughout the year. We take pride in the integration of our players into the wider scholastic and social school community. It is our mission to build character…one athlete at a time.
The goals of the Hockey Program are to:
- Integrate academics and hockey so they benefit from each other.
- Develop find young men using hockey as a vehicle for personal growth.
- Elevate and expand your son’s natural skills and talents with innovative, professional coaching.
- Develop each boy’s sense of self-worth as a valuable member of a Hockey Program.
- Develop strong team members that compete at their highest competitive level.
- Prepare student-athletes for junior and/or collegiate hockey.
St. George’s Hockey currently has four teams for those students who meet age and admission requirements
- U15
- U15 Prep
- U17 Prep
- U18 Prep
St. George’s School is located in Vancouver, BC, and is about 10 minutes from the University of British Columbia (UBC). Our home rink is the Doug Mitchell Thunderbird Sports Centre at UBC, which we share with the UBC Men’s and Women’s Varsity Hockey Teams. Our inaugural CSSHL season was 2017–18, where we fielded two Bantam Varsity Teams.
- Partner School
- The Hockey Program is fully integrated into St. George’s School’s overall co-curricular programming. Players are required to be admitted into the School prior to being considered for a spot on a team in the Hockey Program and are expected to be fully committed in the challenges of their academic, co-curricular, and service commitments during all three terms of the school year.
- For more information about applying to St. George’s School, please visit this link.
- What are some of the things your Hockey Program does to provide educational support?
- St. George’s School offers support through our Learning Success Department, who oversee the academic support for those students with learning challenges. Dedicated study time is built into the schedule when students embark on road trips, and boarding student-athletes have additional support from House Parents during prep time in the evenings. Students can write missed tests or assignments during “5th Block” after school Mondays through Thursdays. The hockey schedule is designed to minimize missed-class time and maintain as often as is possible the integrity of the whole school day.
- How are grades monitored and how often are they reviewed?
- Each grade at St. George’s School is assigned a Head of Grade, a faculty member who oversees the academic aspect and student-life of the boys in that Grade. If teachers have concerns about a student, they will notify their Head of Grade, who will work with the teacher and the student’s Advisor before meeting with the student to discuss options to improve their academic performance. Coaches can be involved in this process at any time.
- How are courses and the graduation path for student athletes chosen?
- Students will begin course planning for the following year in March of the current academic year and must submit their course selections by the end of April. In June, they will be given a list of their courses, but not the full schedule. New students will select their courses in May, and are also invited to attend our New Student Welcome Evening, where the course offerings will be elaborated upon for a clearer understanding. Students in Grades 10 & 11 are assigned a University Counsellor who will work with them until Grade 12 to provide the best possible guidance for post-secondary opportunities, whether it may or may not involve hockey. Students in Grade 11 & 12 will have until September to add, change, or drop courses after discussion with their University Counsellor.
- Do you have an academic probation policy?
- Students who do not meet academic expectations or display academic dishonesty will not be allowed to train, play, or travel with their team until they have completed their missed assignments or have fulfilled the requirements set by the Director of Student Life.
- Do you offer a Billeting Program or a dormitory for non-local student athletes?
- All non-local students reside in Harker Hall, our seven-days-a-week boarding residence located on our Junior School campus, just two blocks east of the Senior School. Harker Hall houses around 100 students from over 18 countries around the world and is a community within the overall St. George’s School community. The Residential Life Program offers a wide variety of opportunities to explore athletic, cultural, and learning experiences across the Lower Mainland, and all boarders are encouraged to participate in these activities.
- What kind of life skills do the student athletes learn by living in the dorms or with billets?
- Boarding Students join a living and learning community tailored to the development of the whole self — their intellectual, physical, ethical, and social development. Everything that happens is grounded in our Core Values: Empathy, Humility, Integrity, Resilience, Respect, and Responsibility. The result? We help nurture young men to have self-awareness, compassion, confidence, and connection to a community that will endure well beyond their time in Harker Hall. Boarders grow to become more independent and learn important life skills, forming a strong foundation for the transition to post-secondary education and beyond. Our caring, live-in team of staff form close bonds with boarders so that they feel safe and encouraged as they learn new skills and build their independence. From house parents to counsellors and peer mentors, our community of care is here to support each student’s well-being.
- How are injuries and sick student athletes monitored?
- The Head of Student Health is on campus daily to care for all sick or injured students. Athletic trainers are also always present at school, practices, and games to monitor physical health of the student-athletes. There is also a live-in nurse at Harker Hall to take care of the Boarding students. These staff all work in collaboration to provide the best care for all student-athletes so they are ready to compete.
- What does the daily schedule look like for a student athlete in your program?
- Students are in class from 8:30 am until 3:15 pm. Practices may take place in the mornings before school or after school. A school bus transports all students from the rink to school in the mornings, and from school to the rink in the afternoons. Dryland also takes place after school, either in the School Fitness Centre or in the Saints Dryland Space at the UBC rink. For Boarding hockey players, a bus will take them back to Harker Hall after afternoon practices where they will eat dinner and have prep time to do homework.
- How many games can your teams expect to play?
- Each team plays around 50 games per season, including showcases, tournaments, and the CSSHL Championships.
- What does the on and off ice training look like?
- Each team practices four times per week, outside of school hours. This includes one technical and three tactical practices, and one goalie specific training session.
- Yard Athletics runs the Strength & Conditioning Program for the Hockey Program, twice a week for each team.
- How long does your program run?
- Our program begins in late August with Training Camp and ends in March following the CSSHL Championships.
- What is included in the price to attend the program? Breakdown of fees:
- St. George’s Day Student Tuition for the upcoming 2024–25 School Year is $34,400. This is separate from the Hockey Program Fee, which is $21,500 for Day Students and $14,500 for Boarding Students.
- The Hockey Program Fee includes:
- Professional and certified coaches, trainers, and skill coaches.
- Professional strength and conditioning coaches for hockey-specific dryland training.
- A Development Team that is dedicated to maximizing overall player development and experience.
- A world-class dressing room, fitness centre, and home arena at Doug Mitchell Thunderbird Sports Centre at UBC.
- Select, high-profile invitational tournaments for each team, CSSHL League Games, and CSSHL Championship Playoffs.
- Travel by charter bus in BC and major airline travel outside of BC.
- Hotel accommodations for each team and select nutritional meals provided on all road trips.
- Professional hockey apparel that includes a tracksuit, polo shirt, dry strip, jacket, travel bag, and backpack.
- Team uniforms including jersey, socks, pant shell covers, helmet (cage), gloves, and an equipment bag.
- St. George’s School offers financial assistance, but does NOT offer athletic scholarships. For more information, please visit www.stgeorges.bc.ca/financialaid.
- Mr.Todd Harkins, Head of Hockey
- Email: tharkins@stgeorges.bc.ca or Phone: (604) 356-2626
- Mr. Chris Blackman, Head of Athletics
- Email cblackman@stgeorges.bc.ca or Phone: (604) 818-0172
Further information about the Hockey Program can also be found via the following links: